Jordan Vase , Leather Leaf, Myrtle, Salal, Misty Blue, Red Roses.
Set their heart ablaze with Burning Red Roses! This classically romantic arrangement serves as a passionate reminder of love. With 12 stems of red roses and complimentary foliage, they’ll remember these roses all too well for years to come.
Standard is a 12 rose bouquet, Deluxe is an 18 rose bouquet and Premium is a 24 rose Bouquet.
It’s a beautiful twist on a romantic classic. These roses are unlike any other! Impress the one you love with our Designer’s Choice Roses arrangement. Show them how much you care with an arrangement that’s full of this floral favorite! You’ll have them feeling lovely just like these flowers.
This arrangement is for those who are as free as a bird and as stunning as the setting sun. A Free-Spirit Dozen is sure to leave a lasting impression. Order today and make someone’s day a little brighter!
Cube Vase, Seeded Eucalyptus, Italian Ruscus, Viburnum , Green Carnations, Pale Pink Roses, Blue Thistle.
This stunning bouquet is perfect for those who desire a softer look. Featuring gorgeous green carnations, pale pink roses, blue thistles, and more, Light Pink Simplicity is a delightful classic. Order this subtle arrangement for someone special today!
Classic Urn Vase , Leather Leaf, Salal, Myrtle, Misty Blue, Of Hot Pink Roses.
Add a bright pop of color to any occasion with this stunning bouquet! Full of vibrancy and fun, the hot pink roses and lively greenery make for a stunning arrangement. Vibrant Fuchsia Roses is sure to stand out in any room or occasion. Send this striking bouquet today!
Show your love with a stunning bouquet of roses that are unlike any other. This extravagant arrangement is designed by our professional florists to make them feel extra special on any occasion! Send our Premium Designer’s Choice Rose arrangement to the person who means the most.
There’s nothing sweeter than this striking bouquet! Much like its namesake, vibrant hues of orange and pink trickle down this delightful arrangement. Sweet Peach Sorbet is a delightfully vibrant rose mix, one they’ll be tickled to get!
Large Pedestal Vase Greens: Leatherleaf Salal Flowers: Yellow Roses White Waxflower.
Roses are a gift that never goes out of style! Grand and gorgeous, these sunny yellow roses are full of light and happiness and will brighten up their day. They'll smile and think of you every time they see them! It's a gesture they'll never forget.
Remember, some flowers or containers may be substituted depending on current availability.
Rose Vase Foliage: Leather Leaf, Variegated Pittosporum , Pink Roses , White Waxflower.
Let them know how much you care. Give her a gift that declares what she means to you. Pink roses are known to symbolize love, gratitude and appreciation. Giving this flower arrangement will show your adoration for her.
Sending roses is always a special occasion. Roses are the traditional, go-to romantic gift. They are also a one of the most popular and recognized flowers in the world. No matter who you want to send flowers to, roses are a perfect choice. Send red roses for romance, white roses for respect, and yellow roses for friendship. Whatever rose you choose to send, GP MILLER FLORAL in Peoria can help you!